‘While Parents Sleep’ was performed on Thursday 13, Friday 14, Saturday 15 Nov, 1958, at the Theatre Royal.
‘While Parents Sleep’, Theatre Royal Thurs 13, Fri 14, Sat 15 Nov 1958 Cast (In the Order of Appearance) MRS. HAMMOND................................................. JO FOREMAN NANNY. ............................................................... MAY O'SHEA COLONEL HAMMOND.......................................... RON STELLING VINTCENT. ........................................................... HELEN BOJACK NEVILLE HAMMOND .......................................... RICK NATHAN LADY CATTERING................................................. BARBARA NEILSEN JERRY HAMMOND. .............................................. DAVID RAINEY BUBBLES THOMPSON. ......................................... YVETTE JOHNSTONE Producer…………………………………………………………….M. J. WALKER Stage Manager: DOUG. STORTENBECKER Assistants: JACK CHANDLER, PETE SMITH, RUSSEL FAYRE Lighting: REX NEWSOME Orchestra: Mrs SUMMERFIELD'S—ANITA WILSON, LILIAN BENSTEAD, NORMA O'DEA, RUBY BROWN, N. MINON, H. NOTT, G. PURCHASE, R. ALGY, N. GHEA, K. NOYE | |
Townsville Daily Bulletin Friday 14 Nov 1958 Review of ‘While Parents Sleep’ Good Laugh From Play The Townsville Theatri¬cal Society's production of Anthony Kimmins' comedy play, "While Parents Sleep," should not put parents—or any member of the fam¬ily—into a state of slumber. There are some good per¬formances by members of the cast, with perhaps the most outstanding coming from little-seen Yvette Johnstone, who sparkles in her role of the raw shopgirl, Bubbles Thompson. Seasoned performers such as Jo Foreman, May O'Shea, Rick Nathan and Barbara Neilsen are all seen to advantage. They are ably supported by Ron Stelling, David Rainey and Helen Bojack. Neville (Rick Nathan), the eldest son of Colonel and Mrs. Hammond (Ron Stelling and Jo Foreman) is expected to be made an A.D.C. to Lord Cattering. The Cattering house is be¬ing dismantled, so Neville brings the young alluring Lady Cattering (Barbara Neilsen) home to dinner and to spend the night with the Hammonds. To Mrs. Hammond's dis¬may, Jerry (David Rainey), her rowdy young sailor son, arrives the same evening with Bubbles, the lass with the not - too - delicate – air from Brixton. At 2 a.m. Neville and Lady Cattering return from a theatre party, and to Neville's embarrassment, he is re¬quested by her Ladyship to fetch her wrap, and help her remove her dress. A little later Jerry and Bubbles return from a dance, and Bubbles is thoroughly shocked and outraged at the situation in which she finds Neville and Lady Cattering. In the morning Bubbles asks to see Mrs. Hammond alone, and, fearing the worst, the others quickly explain the undressing episode with the story that a glass of beer had been split over the dress. The faithful old Nannie, who has seen the goings-on of night before, keeps quiet, but she uses her knowledge, to endure that Neville will not become Lord Cattering's A.D.C. Highlight of the play is the scene when Bubbles and Jerry come upon Neville and Lady Cattering in the darkened drawing-room. The four characters give the scenes deft touches of comedy, but Jerry could tone his voice down a little. The play has an excellent setting, with clever decor. An added feature is the provision of fans around the theatre. They certainly make the inside of the Theatre Royal more comfortable. The amusing production will be repeated to-night and to-morrow night |