The three one-act plays “The Old Lady Shows Her Medals”, “Find Me At The Federal”, and “Wife Required” were performed at the Synod Hall on Thurs 25, Fri 25, & Sat 26 Feb 1966
"The Old lady Shows Her Medals" Producer/Director: Gordon Barrington. Cast members: Marj George, Barbara Chandler, Freda Greske, Yvonne Thomas, Howard Tremer, Ken Allom. | "Wife Required" Producer/Director: Gordon Dean. Cast members: Alison Daoh, Ron Beer, Barbara Cliver, Helen Stokes, Kathryn Lowe, Jean Hamilton. |
"Find Me At The Federal" Producer/Director: Michael Kosorotov. Cast members: Shirlet Webb, Peter Rainey, Rod Matheson, Lynn Leahy, Bernice Ivett, Michael Kosorotov. |