School of Arts 1891


27th May School of Arts with Her Majesty’s Theatre opened
The building with the rounded (barrel-vaulted) roof is Her Majesty’s Theatre.

TB  19/8/1996 from the W.J.Laurie Collection courtesy of the JCU History & Politics Department



School of Arts 1

His Majesty’s Theatre (School of Arts) set up for the 1906 Townsville Horticultural Society’s Show.




School_of_Arts_2001sm1891  School of Arts as it is in the year 2001. The head quarters of Dance North
The building with the rounded (barrel-vaulted) roof is Her Majesty’s Theatre (Now used by Dance North for performances)
Townsville Community radio station Triple-t occupies the white building attached to the Theatre on the right of the picture
Photo:  Gordon Hodgson 2001


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