The following pictures and information is placed on this website with the kind permission of the Australian War Memorial and must not to be reproduced in any form. High Resolution copies may be obtained from the Australian War Memorial website by quoting the ID number.
To the Australian War Memorial website
24th May 1945 – The entire company of fourteen performers on the mobile stage for the final act of a performance by No 3 Mobile Entertainment Unit RAAF (“The Gremlins”) in Townsville. Only other members of the party include one driver and the electrician. Note the footlights and speakers for power amplifier equipment.
Photo ID NEA0654
24th May 1945 – Portion of the outdoor night-time audience, mainly RAAF & WAAAF, but with a sprinkling of Army, at a concert given by members of No 3 Mobile Entertainment Unit RAAF (“The Gremlins”)in Townsville. Such units as these were doubly welcome in northern areas where troops otherwise had to rely on films or local talent for entertainment.
Photo ID NEA0653
24th May 1945 – Flying Officer W.T. “Bill” Bennetts of St Kilda, Vic (right) is officer in charge of a RAAF concert party popularly known as “The Gremlins” and officially as No 3 Mobile Entertainment Unit RAAF. At left is his senior NCO Sergeant B. F. “Joe” Hannigan of Mount Gambier, SA, who is also one of the unit’s saxaphone wizards. Both have over five years of RAAF service and have transferred to entertainment duties. FO Bennetts was well known on Victorian radio in civilian life.
Photo ID NEA0632
24th May 1945 – Members of No 3 Mobile Entertainment Unit RAAF (“The Gremlins”) on stage in Townsville. The three vocalists in the opening chorus are, from left, Leading Aircraftman (LAC) Ivan Maher of Malvern, Vic; Corporal Newton Goodson of Wellington, NZ; LAC Ted Furlong of Ballarat, Vic. Orchestra members visible are, from left, LAC John “Dasher” Evans, pianist, of Tuggerah Lakes, NSW; LAC Albert Fellows, band leader and trumpeter, of Bondi, NSW; LAC John “Junior” Brokensha, drummer, of Adelaide, SA; LAC Dick Renfree, string Bass, of East Melbourne, Vic; LAC Ken Wooldridge, saxaphonist, of London, England; Sergeant B.F. “Joe” Hannigan, saxophonist, of Mount Gambier, SA. The third sax player LAC Charles Burgess of Sydney, NSW is not visible.
Photo ID NEA0636
24th May 1945 – Members of No 3 Mobile Entertainment Unit RAAF (“The Gremlins”) on stage in Townsville. With artistic draperies and baby grand piano, the orchestra practices a popular swing number. Orchestra members visible are, from left, LAC John “Dasher” Evans, pianist, of Tuggerah Lakes, NSW; LAC Albert Fellows, band leader and trumpeter, of Bondi, NSW; LAC John “Junior” Brokensha, drummer, of Adelaide, SA; LAC Dick Renfree, string Bass, of East Melbourne, Vic; LAC Ken Wooldridge, saxaphonist, of London, England; Sergeant B.F. “Joe” Hannigan, saxophonist, of Mount Gambier, SA. The third sax player LAC Charles Burgess of Sydney, NSW is not visible.
Photo ID NEA0637
24th May 1945 – Members of No 3 Mobile Entertainment Unit RAAF (“The Gremlins”) on stage in Townsville. Orchestra members are, from left, LAC Charles Burgess of Sydney, NSW; LAC Ken Wooldridge, saxaphonist, of London, England; Sergeant B.F. “Joe” Hannigan, of Mount Gambier, SA
Photo ID NEA0640
24th May 1945 – The conjurer and mystery man of No 3 Mobile Entertainment Unit RAAF (“The Gremlins”) in Townsville. Corporal R. “Bob” Mashford of Sydney, NSW, demonstrating some of his sleight-of-hand skill
Photo ID NEA0641
24th May 1945 – LAC John “Dasher” Evans, pianist, of Tuggerah Lakes, NSW of No 3 Mobile Entertainment Unit RAAF (“The Gremlins”) in Townsville.
Photo ID NEA0643
24th May 1945 – LAC Ken Wooldridge, saxophone and clarinet player, of London, England in the band of No 3 Mobile Entertainment Unit RAAF (“The Gremlins”) in Townsville. He was formally a member of several big English “name” bands before coming to Australia in 1934.
Photo ID NEA0644
24th May 1945 – Corporal Newton Goodson of Wellington, NZ of No 3 Mobile Entertainment Unit RAAF (“The Gremlins”) singing on stage in Townsville. He came to Australia in 1939
Photo ID NEA0647
24th May 1945 – Flying Officer “Bill” Bennetts of St Kilda, Vic and LAC Graham Smith of Glenelg, SA comedians of No 3 Mobile Entertainment Unit RAAF (“The Gremlins”) crack a few new jokes on stage in Townsville.
Photo ID NEA0648
24th May 1945 – The rhythm boys of the band, LAC John “Junior” Brokensha, on drums, of Adelaide, SA and LAC Dick Renfree, on string bass, of East Melbourne, Vic of No 3 Mobile Entertainment Unit RAAF (“The Gremlins”) on stage in Townsville.
Photo ID NEA0649
24th May 1945 – Backstage worker is LAC Arthur Teague, electrical fitter, of Manly, NSW, of No 3 Mobile Entertainment Unit RAAF (“The Gremlins”) in Townsville. He is waiting for a scene climax, with one hand on the curtain ropes and the other ready for the “blackout”.
Photo ID NEA0651