TDB Sat 14 May 1927
To-night will be a gala night at Hermit Park for it marks the grand opening of the new Minna’s Theatre. The ceremony commences at 7.45. when his Worship the Mayor (Aid. W. J. Heatley), will officially open the Theatre. The Railway Band will provide a programme of music from 7.30. For the opening night a special programme has been arranged with the popular actor, Ralph Lewis, supplying the leading attraction with his latest starring vehicle, ‘The Last Edition, a thrilling story of newspaper life The supporting feature is “The Broadway Boob”, a romance of New York. Popular prices of 2/ – and 1 /- will be charged, and seats may be reserved, without extra cost, at O’Hara and Duffield, Hermit Park.
1927 TDB Mon 16 May 1927 A NEW THEATRE Miss Minna’s Venture at Hermit Park. (Open air) and at present accommodation is provided for about 1000 people in canvas chairs and on galleries running each side of the theatre. (advertised as Minna’s Park Theatre) (Open air)
1927 – Attention is drawn to a sale by tender of Minna’s Stanley and Hermit Park Theatres, closing the 19th Nov 1927 (TDB Mon 14 Nov 1927)
November 1927 Minna’s Theatre and Minna’s Park Theatre sold by tender.
TDB Wed 7 Dec 1927 HYDE PARK THEATRE. The Hyde Park Theatre will be re-opened under the management of Mr. G. Steele on Saturday night next. December 10th. In addition to an excellent programme there will be the theatre’s orchestra conducted by Mr. A. Walsh. Weather permitting the theatre will be open on Wednesday and Saturday nights. And the management feel quite confident that those who choose the Hyde Park Theatre as their place of amusement will be well pleased with the night’s entertainment. Seats may be reserved by ‘phone 366 or at the theatre, no extra charge for booking. Prices 2/. and 1/; children half price. (ex Minna’s Park Theatre, Charters Towers Rd)
TDB Sat 11 Jan 1930
The official opening of the new ‘talkie’ installation at Hyde Park Theatre will take place to-night, and will be performed by the Mayor (Alderman Heatley). It is interesting to note that the installation is an all Australian product, and excellent results have been obtained in trials. That wonderful production, ‘The Broadway Melody’ has been secured for the opening, and will be supported by a fine range of all talking shorts.
TDB Fri 22 April 1932
Under new management, the Hyde Park Theatre will present ‘Anna Christie’ with Greta Garbo on Saturday night. The associate attractions will be ‘Sky Boy’ with Harry Langdon, and a series of talkie shorts.
TDB Sat 23 April 1932
Hyde Park Talkies reopen to-night under new management and with new talkie equipment Heading the bill are ‘Anna Christie,’ with Marie Dresser and ‘Sky Boy,’ with Harry Langdon.
TDB Wed 12 Oct 1932
The above theatre makes its grand opening with talkies to-night, under the sole direction of J. A. Feldt. The theatre has been wired with the very latest RCA. Photophone talkie equipment, and the several trial runs by the engineers prove that the plant Is all that the manufacturers claim It to be. Situated in Oxford Street, Hyde Park, the theatre is of the semi-open-air type, and is totally devoid of all acoustical troubles. The management have been most fortunate in securing a wonderful programme for the opening night, ‘East of Borneo,’ with Charles Bickford and Rose Hobart, being the stellar attraction, while the ever popular George O’Brien In ‘The Gay Caballero’ Is the supporting feature. A carefully selected bunch of shorts, including a comedy, cartoon, and news will also be screened. A splendid line-up of films, including Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Fox, Universal and First National Pictures have been secured for screening at an early date. Seats may be booked by ringing 128.
TDB Wed 21 Jun 1933
‘Hat Check Girl.’ with Sally Eilers, Ben Lyon and Ginger Rogers, will be the featured production at the Regent and Sun Theatres to-night. The remainder of the programme will comprise Seamark’s super-thriller, ‘The Man They Couldn’t Arrest,’ another chapter of the serial, ‘Battling With Buffalo Bill,’ a Travelogue and a News.