Townsville Theatrical Society 1947-1969

The Townsville Theatrical Society was formed at a meeting on Wed 9 April 1947

Townsville Daily Bulletin Friday 11 April 1947
The Article on the right reads:
Positive steps were taken on Wednesday night to fill a long-neglected gap in the community life of Townsville. At a meeting held at the Adult Education Centre, the 42 people who attended were most enthusiastic in their desire to see a dramatic society formed in Townsville. The aims of the Townsville Adult Education Committee in calling the meeting were outlined briefly by Mr. F. H. Brazier, (chairman of the local committee) and by Mr. J. C. A. Pizzey, (District Organiser of Adult Education.)
After much animated discussion it was resolved that a dramatic society be formed and that it should be called the Townsville Theatrical Society.
It was resolved that an organising committee of eight be formed immediately to draw up a constitution and to declare the policy of the Society. Twelve nominations were received and after secret ballot the following committee members were elected: Messrs. R. Cormack, J. C. A. Pizzey, C. Schuchard, J. L. Anderson, J. Stevenson, G. Wiedemann, Misses V. Illich and P. Lovell. The executive officers will be chosen at the first committee meeting.
It is hoped to start the society on a sound financial basis and with that end in view the committee was empowered to decide on a membership fee which would entitle members to certain benefits. The committee believes that there are several hundred people in Townsville who are prepared to give the society every encouragement by becoming non-acting members.
The first general meeting of all financial members will be held in July, when the permanent committee and the trustees will be elected.
In the meantime, the society has decided to produce five one-act plays so that every member of the society will have the opportunity of showing his histrionic ability. Mr. Graham Macdonald, Adjudicator of the Elocutionary section at the last Eisteddfod, and producer of the Rockhampton Little Theatre, will be visiting Townsville on June 1, to help the Society by constructive criticism of the performance of these one-act plays.
The plays being rehearsed are: 'The Campbells of Kilmhor,' by J. A. Ferguson. 'Arising out of the Minutes,' by Louise Regnis. 'Riders of the Sea,' by J. M. Synge. 'The Spinsters of Lushe,' by Philip Johnson, and 'Ladies In Waiting.'
There will be a separate caste for each of these plays so that every interested member will be taking part. There are still vacancies for more acting members, and the Society will be pleased to see them at the first rehearsal to be held at the Adult Education Centre, on Sunday next, at 2.30 p.m.
The Townsville Theatrical Society produced on average four plays a year, which were performed mainly at the Theatre Royal, until 1969 when the Society amalgamated with The St James Players, and The Genesians and agreed to call themselves Townsville Little Theatre.
The original “Little Theatre”, home of the Townsville Theatrical Society in Walker Street, Townsville, 2 November 1964.
The words "Townsville Theatrical Society" is on the front door.
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