6th June 1944 - Three WAAAF members on the steps of their Barracks in St Patrick's College, which overlooks the new RAAF Recreation Centre on The Strand. From left, Aircraftwoman (ACW) Mary Morgan of Toowong, Qld; ACW Josephine Mallen of Millmerran, QLD; ACW Thelma Brown of Biloela, Qld. 31st Oct 1944 - Organised and trained by Miss M. McCauley, a WAAAF choir rehearses for its first public appearance at the 3rd RAAF/WAAAF Handicraft Exhibition held at the RAAF Recreation Centre on The Strand on the 1st & 2nd Nov 1944. Miss McCauley, formerly on the ABC staff, was assistant to Captain E. Curtis, Salvation Army Welfare worker attached to WAAAF Units at Townsville. 31st Oct 1944 - Organised and trained by Miss M. McCauley, a WAAAF choir in costume, and with the necessary male voices on stage for this Russian item, rendered excerpts from "Balalaika". The appearance was at the 3rd RAAF/WAAAF Handicraft Exhibition held at the RAAF Recreation Centre on The Strand on the 1st & 2nd Nov 1944. Miss McCauley, formerly on the ABC staff, was assistant to Captain E. Curtis, Salvation Army Welfare worker attached to WAAAF Units at Townsville.
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